Wonderful article! You might also be interested in this research from a few years ago which showed that people naturally perceive a person's line of vision as generating some kind of outward physical force! https://www.pnas.org/doi/10.1073/pnas.1816581115

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Beautiful art included in your article, love it ❤️

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I'm glad you enjoyed it! Always trying to experiment a little with how I share my writing :D

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Hey Kate, this was such an awesome read! I’ve always referenced eye contact concerning relationships and how to get a partner and almost everyone says to make eye contact. I’ve always loved chemistry so reading about the different chemicals that are released in our bodies once we make eye contact was so cool to hear about! But I also love how you mentioned that eye contact should also be relatively short lived to make sure it doesn’t turn into intimidation or staring. I also feel like eye contact says something about a persons confidence as well. I’m from the Midwest too so smiling is a huge part of our interactions here lol! Thank you so much for sharing this! :)

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I'm so happy you enjoyed it! Eye contact is such an important aspect of social connection that gets looked over (see what I did there? ha) too much. There really is truth to the quote, "The eyes are the window to the soul". The majority of people can tell the emotion of another purely based off of the micro-expressions in their eyes. It's incredible!

Happy to see a fellow midwesterner on Substack. What's your take on our obsession with ranch😂

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Haha, that was an awesome pun Kate! Love it! And that quote you just mentioned makes me think heavily about the Mona Lisa lol. People still don’t know if she’s smiling or happy or not, but I love that it’s up for interpretation. And I would say I’m the only Midwesterner that’s not obsessed with ranch haha, although my mother has ranch upon ranch in the fridge and eats it with literally anything lol. I’ve become more of a honey mustard girl over the years. :) How about you?

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Haha I didn't realize it was a pun til I wrote it out😂 That's a great takeaway from the quote, I love when art is up for interpretation written or otherwise. I feel like it gives the piece more life, since IRL we often have unanswered questions too.

YES another Midwestern Ranch-hater. After working at a wedding venue and pouring globs of ranch in serving bowls, I can't fathom touching ranch again😭

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Me too Kate! Leaving art up for interpretation is the most interesting part of art!

And yes, I need ranch to go away for the rest of my life lol! Ranch bottles are everywhere in my house but I can’t get rid of them because of family, haha! :)

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